Science And Technology Museum

What is Cloud Computing

by Miles Warren
April 23,2021

I think you have heard cloud computing countless times. The word cloud computing appears frequently on the Internet. Even though it appears so many times, do you know what cloud computing is? The first impression is that it is very high-end. Or it is some new technology or something like that. This article will give you a general understanding of cloud computing.

The official explanation for cloud computing is a pay-as-you-use model. This mode provides available and convenient network. To access to a configurable computer resource sharing pool. These resources can be provided quickly. It only requires little management work or little interaction with service providers.

Popular speaking, if we build a website in the traditional way, we need to purchase a series of complicated transactions. Such as servers, network bandwidth, website domain name, operation and maintenance. Finally, we can build our own website. It’s like if we want to drink tap water, we must take many steps in the early stage and connect the tap water pipe.

Popular speaking, cloud computing is a cloud manufacturer has already built a tap water well and laid a tap water pipe. All we need to do is get water from the cup. This is a complete tap water system. It’s quite time efficient. It greatly reduces the labor cost.

We can roughly understand this popular rhetoric by putting it on the Internet. Cloud computing is to centralize computer resources on the network. But the implementation of cloud computing is complicated. If you just put a server in the company’s computer room, then turn on the FTP download service, it will only be used for sharing resources among several colleagues. This is simple. But if it is a large-scale event, hundreds of millions of people around the world will visit the website. There will be dozens of PB of visits in a single day. The traffic per second can reach thousands of GB. This cannot be supported by a few network cables and several servers. It is necessary to design a cloud computing system with ultra-large capacity, ultra-high concurrency, ultra-fast speed and ultra-high security to meet the needs of smooth business.

We just talked about putting computer resources in the cloud. But this computer resource has several levels. The first level is the lowest level of hardware resources. The second level is the system database and so on. The third level is the specific application software. These three levels are known as Iaas (Infrastructure-as-a-Service), Paas (Platform-as-a-Service) and SaaS (Software-as-a-Service).

Sorting out the most critical noun concepts and having a framework understanding of cloud computing are the first steps to understand cloud computing. To learn more about cloud computing, everyone needs to study hard.

  • Miles Warren
  • April 23,2021

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